【課本講義】S. Friedberg, A. Insel, L. Spence, Linear algebra, 4th edition
【課本講義】S. Friedberg, A. Insel, L. Spence, Linear algebra, 4th edition
【第四章】Determinants 行列式
§4.1 二階行列式 Determinants of order 2 (44:27)
§4.2 n階行列式 (上) Determinants of Order n (I) (72:01)
§4.2 n階行列式 (下) Determinants of Order n (II) (44:34)
§4.3 行列式的性質 Properties of Determinants (50:23)
§4.4 行列式的事實&相關補充 Important Facts about Determinants (48:28)
【第五章】Diagonalization 對角化
§5.1 特徵值與特徵向量(上) Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors (I) (44:40)
§5.1 特徵值與特徵向量(下) Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors (II) (42:40)
§5.2 可對角化性質(上) Diagonalizability (I) (73:38)
§5.2 可對角化性質(中) Diagonalizability (II) (58:37)
§5.2 可對角化性質(下) Diagonalizability (III) (46:44)
§5.3 矩陣極限與馬可夫鍊(上) Matrix Limits and Markov Chains (I) (70:11)
§5.3 矩陣極限與馬可夫鍊(下) Matrix Limits and Markov Chains (II) (60:57)
§5.4 不變子空間與漢米爾頓定理 Invariant Subspaces and the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem (42:19)
【第六章】內積空間 Inner Product Space
§6.1 內積與範數 Inner Products and Norms (79:47)
§6.2 (上)GS正交化過程 The Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Process(I) (63:53)
§6.2 (下)正交補集 Orthogonal Completement (II) (35:59)
§6.3 線性變換的伴隨算子 The Adjoint of a Linear Operator (60:07)
§6.4 正規算子與自伴隨算子 Normal and Self-Adjoint Operators (43:37)
§6.5 么正矩陣與正交矩陣 Unitary and Orthogonal Operators and Their Matrices (72:00)
§6.6 正交投影與譜理論 Orthogonal Projections and the Spectral Theorem (49:15)
§6.7* (上)奇異值分解(SVD分解) The Singular Value Decomposition (59:31)
§6.7* (下)偽逆算子(廣義逆矩陣) The Pseudoinverse (29:02)
【第七章】Canonical Forms 正則型式
§7.1 正則型式(一)(上) The Jordan Canonical Form I (Part.1) (50:06)
§7.1 正則型式(一)(中) The Jordan Canonical Form I (Part.2) (48:29)
§7.1 正則型式(一)(下) The Jordan Canonical Form I (Part.3) (29:57)
§7.2 正則型式(二) The Jordan Canonical Form II (58:08)
§7.3 最小多項式 The Minimal Polynomial (47:36)
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§4.2 n階行列式 (下) Determinants of Order n (II)
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