【課本講義】S. Friedberg, A. Insel, L. Spence, Linear algebra, 4th edition
【課本講義】S. Friedberg, A. Insel, L. Spence, Linear algebra, 4th edition
【第一章】向量空間 Vector Spaces
§1.1 概論 Introduction (20:39)
§1.2 向量空間 Vector Space (57:32)
§1.3 子空間 Subspace (56:22)
§1.4 線性組合與線性系統 Linear Combination and Linear System (28:09)
§1.5 線性相依與線性獨立 Linear Dependence and Linear Independence (32:38)
§1.6 基底與維度 Basis & Dimension (I) (59:11)
§1.6 基底與維度(上) Basis & Dimension (II) (36:00)
§1.7 最大線性獨立子集合 Maximal Linearly Independent Subsets (26:35)
【第二章】線性變換 Linear Transformations and Matrices
§2.1線性變換、核空間與值域(上)Linear transformation(I) (42:28)
§2.1線性變換、核空間與值域(下)Linear transformation(II) (61:44)
§2.2 線性變換的矩陣表達式The matrix representation of linear transforation (43:04)
§2.3 線性變換的合成與矩陣乘法 Composition of Linear Transformation and Matrix Multiplication (60:46)
§2.4 可逆性與同構 Invertibility and Isomorphisms (55:10)
【第三章】基本矩陣運算與線性系統 Elementary Matrix Operations and Systems of Linear Equations
§3.1 基本矩陣運算與基本矩陣 Elementary Matrix Operations and Elementary Matrices (29:52)
§3.2 矩陣的秩與反矩陣 The Rank of a Matrix and Matrix Inverses (75:30)
§3.3 線性方程系統-理論篇 System of Linear Equations - Theoretical Aspects (48:59)
§3.4 線性方程系統-計算篇 System of Linear Equations - Computational Aspects (33:34)
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§2.1線性變換、核空間與值域(上)Linear transformation(I)
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